Operators in C Programming: Part 1

Hii Learners’

Here in this blog will will learn about the operators in C programming. Before start with operators we need to know about terminologies such as expression, operators, and operators.

Expression: Expression is a combination of operators, variables, and constants.

Let us suppose that the following is an expression:

Operands: In computing and mathematics, an operand is an object that is operated on by an operator. An operand is a number, a variable that represents a number, or an expression that returns a number. 

Operator: In the above expression, you can see that an operator is a mathematical or logical symbol that triggers an action when applied to operands.

Classification of Operators: Based on minimum number of operands an operator is required to act on, operators can classified into following three categories.

Classification of operators based on number of operands

Types of Operators

  1. Arithmetic Operators
  2. Relational Operators
  3. Equality Operators
  4. Logical Operators
  5. Conditional Operators
  6. Assignment Operators
  7. Comma Operator
  8. sizeof Oeprator
  9. Bitwise Operators
Example of Operators in C programming
Author: Charanpreet kaur
Date: 6.9.2023
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    //Relational Operator
    int a=20,b=20;
    //comparison operation
    //Assignment Operator

    //logical Operator
    printf("%d",a<b && a==30);//0
    printf("%d",a<b || a==30);//1
    //Assignment Operator
    printf("\nValue of a is %d \nvalue of b is %d",a,b);
    return 0;

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